Question Banks

A collection of Question Banks in a variety of subjects and topics.

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:20+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

An elderly woman with a history of multiple oral ulcers presents with  flaccid bullae on her scalp, face, and trunk. Manual pressure on the skin   produces separation of the upper layer of the epidermis, followed by    eventual sloughing of the skin. The patient has been in relatively     good health until recently, and denies taking any medications. A      biopsy of one of the skin lesions reveals separation of epithelial       cells above the basal layer. Autoantibodies to which of the following        components would most likely be found in this patient?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:33+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

A patient develops an acute febrile illness with shivers, nonproductive  cough, and pleuritic chest pain. Five days later, he presents to the   emergency room after abruptly having 'coughed up' nearly a cup of    blood-stained sputum. Which of the following is most likely to     be seen on chest x-ray?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:33+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

A 2-year-old child presents to the pediatrician with hematuria.  Examination reveals hypertension and an abdominal mass. A tumor is   localized to the right kidney and biopsy reveals a stroma containing    smooth and striated muscle, bone, cartilage, and fat, with areas of     necrosis. The gene for this disorder has been localized to which of      the following chromosomes?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:33+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

In a genotypic male, the testes fail to develop, and do not secrete testosterone or Müllerian regression factor. Which of the following best describes the in utero reproductive system development of this individual?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:33+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

A newborn boy does not pass meconium until 48 hours after his birth . Two weeks later his mother reports that he has not been passing stool  regularly. Anorectal manometry reveals increased internal anal sphincter   pressure on rectal distention with a balloon. Radiographic studies revea   l massive dilation of the colon proximal to the rectum. This indicates a    developmental abnormality in which of the following embryonic tissues?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:46+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

A 15-year-old boy is evaluated by a clinician for failure to develop  normal male secondary sexual characteristics. Physical examination reveals   small testes, a small penis, and gynecomastia. The boy has had some    difficulties in school, and the parents say that the school     psychometrist said he had an IQ of 90. This patient's      condition is most likely to be related to which of the following?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:47+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

A young man recently died during surgery under general anesthesia. Symptoms prior to his death included muscle spasms, hyperthermia, acidosis, and cardiac arrest. His family history is significant for his father dying under similar conditions and an aunt having survived the same complications during a hip replacement surgery. He is survived by his wife, a son, and a daughter. DNA has been isolated from family members and a Southern blot of restriction fragments from a specific region of chromosome 19 reveals the following pattern: Which of the following conclusions can reasonably be drawn from these data?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:47+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

A 14-year-old boy has just moved with his family from Brazil to the U.S.  He starts complaining of shortness of breath and palpitations. Chest x-ray   films demonstrate pulmonary congestion, and ECG shows alterations in    heart rhythm. Echocardiography reveals biventricular dilatation     with massive cardiac enlargement. An endomyocardial biopsy shows      diffuse interstitial fibrosis, myocyte necrosis, chronic       inflammation, and the presence of intracellular protozoan parasites.        The patient may also develop which of the following complications?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:15:47+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

A 25-year-old man presents with a chief complaint of persistent, high-pitched ringing noises in his ears. Questioning reveals that he has  also been losing his balance lately. CT of the head demonstrates bilateral   tumors involving the vestibulocochlear nerve. Which of the following    chromosomes contains the tumor suppressor gene most likely to be involved     in this case?

2 05, 2021


By |2021-04-28T23:16:06+00:00May 2, 2021|Question Banks|0 Comments

A 14-year-old patient is brought in by his parents because of a sore  throat. On physical examination, he is febrile, and has pharyngeal  erythema with a tonsillar abscess. A throat culture on sheep blood  agar yields colonies of gram-positive cocci that are surrounded by  a zone of complete hemolysis. The organism was also plated on mannitol  salt agar; it grew well and caused the medium to turn yellow. Which of   the following microorganisms is the most likely cause of the patient's    illness?

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